Brattle Street Advisors specializes in meeting the needs of faculty, staff, and other employees of private, higher-education institutions. We have been helping academics for over 15 years. Our services, however, are available to everyone.
For individuals:
Brattle Street Advisors engages in fee-only financial planning. We do not sell any products, get commissions, or receive anything from a vendor as a result of our advice. Your best interests are paramount when recommendations are made.
Brattle Street Advisors provides unbiased advice where:
You gain a better understanding of your financial situation.
You learn how you can attain your financial goals, such as ensuring a comfortable retirement, educating your children, or buying a home.
- You attain peace of mind regarding your finances.
For employers:
Brattle Street Advisors provides a variety of seminars and group learning activities to enable your employees to understand and make better use of their employer-sponsored benefits, as well as enabling them to better meet their financial goals, such as retirement. For more information click on the Seminars tab above.
We can provide assistance in the following areas: